Gioachino Rossini
Tancredi rifatto
August 5, 2018
The Performing Arts Center at Purchase College
Dramma serio by Gioachino Rossini
Libretto by Gaetano Rossi, Luigi Lechi,
and unknown others
First performed
Venice, February 1813
Ferrara, March 1813
Milan, December 1813
Padua, January 1814
Tancredi Aleks Romano
Amenaide Christine Lyons
Argirio David Margulis
Isaura Augusta Caso
Orbazzano James Harrington
Roggero Junhan Choi
Eco Madison Marie McIntosh
Teatro Nuovo Chorus and Orchestra
Will Crutchfield, maestro al cembalo
Jakob Lehmann, primo violino e capo d’orchestra
Fragment from a 19th-century manuscript of ornaments for Tancredi
A must-see event for Rossini fans!
Tancredi rifatto means "Tancredi re-made." In Rossini's day, when a composer re-mounted an opera in a new city, some new music was expected. Rossini eventually provided substitutes for both of Tancredi's arias, both of Argirio's, and one each for Amenaide, Isaura, and Roggero - as well as a completely different ending for the opera, a tragic one following Voltaire's original dénoument. It makes a completely different opera - and a very beautiful one. Tancredi rifatto is a complete performance of the opera but with all the "re-made" pieces in place of the originals - a chance to hear Rossinian gems unknown even to most Bel Canto fans.